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How to Give More Attention to Your Emotional Health

How to Give More Attention to Your Emotional Health

Written By: Kate Clark, from Nourishing Minds Nutrition and The Rooted Place

I know, it's hard to keep up with all the ways we are supposed to care for ourselves. I feeeeeeel you on that. But, it might not be as complicated as you might think. And! I'm here to help.


An easy way to make sure you're giving yourself emotional self the care it needs (**a seriously crucial part of overall, long term, and sustainable health**) is by creating a tiny little release for yourself. It's like giving yourself a hug that warms up your insides. It can be in the form of a smile, tears, words... 

Your emotional self is meant to be seen, not controlled or quieted down. If this sounds confusing to you that's because you have been trained to zip your emotional self up and store it neatly so everyone can stay comfortable. We have all been programed this way.

Truth is, emotions are energy in motion (e-motion). The energy has to go somewhere; it cannot be stored forever. Having expressive outlets help us release the energy within us. It could be good energy or bad energy, we need to find healthy outlets for all of it.

My challenge to you: express your emotions this week. Let it be physical. Let it be loud. Even if you don't think you have any bottled up, just see what happens. Letting these emotions out to be seen and heard (even if it’s just to our personal journals or our house plants) creates an undeniable release within us. It allows us to stay grounded in our authentic selves.

Let’s create some sort of tool belt for your emotions, shall we? Something that you can go to when you’re feeling “emotional” and work them out, get what you need from them, and leave what you don’t. We control our emotions by standing still, holding back tears (or laughter), and silencing our voices. So, anything that can break these habits open will work. 

Some ideas:


It’s hard to feel our emotions without some form of movement. Remember, emotions are energy IN motion. So, when we move our bodies we are creating an outlet for this energy to work itself out. I would highly suggest some free form movement like your own yoga flow or dance party, but any form of movement will help! If you aren’t sure what you’re feeling, just start moving and see what comes up.

Get angry.

Throw yourself a little temper tantrum. Seriously. Make sure you are in a safe space and then let that shit go wherever it needs to. THIS. WORKS. Think about a toddler; they get so angry, they burst into tears, scream, run, smash, cry…and then… they’re back to they’re sweet smiley selves. They have gotten all their angry out. Toddlers practice pretty incredible emotional self-care! And yes, you have permission to do the exact same thing. Just, not in Target, okay? 


I talk about journaling almost every chance I get because I am such a believer. Journaling is the cheapest, best self-inquiry tool out there. Your journal is a safe space and provides you with the opportunity to get it allllllll out. When we can see our thoughts on paper, we can better understand, accept, and work through them. If you want to know the “ins and outs” of journaling, read my last blog post.


When we swallow up our feelings we hold back things like tears. Tears are important to get out when we feel them growing up inside of us because they bring emotion with them. They bring energy with them. If you don’t feel comfortable crying in the moment, then give yourself the opportunity to cry later. Watching movies and listening to music that trigger an emotional response from you is also a safe and wonderful tool to use to show your emotional-self some love.


Find someone (or something) you feel safe enough with to just word vomit in front of. They don’t have to give you any answers, they simply have to be willing to hold space for you and anything that comes out of your mouth. Therapists are really good at this (it’s their job entirely) but, if you don’t have that privilege, then you can grab a friend or even an empty chair or a plant. Get it all out. Take out the filter and say anything that comes up. Raise your voice and let it out. 

During these emotional “exercises” try to stay present and in the moment. This is not a time to rationalize your feelings and thoughts. Just let them FLOW out of you (like a toddler would). Your feelings and emotions are 100% valid. Always.

Afterwards, take some deep breaths and reflect. Maybe bring your journal back out and write down what that experience was like for you. 

Remember this feeling. 

Remember this release. 

Let this motivate you to come back to this emotionally aware place.

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