

Welcome to Victoria Myers blog! VM is your women’s wellness blog, free of diet culture and body shaming. Think of this as your safe space to pursue period recovery, intuitive eating and wellness without obsession.

NWP Episode 278: Understanding the Gut Brain Axis

NWP Episode 278: Understanding the Gut Brain Axis

Did you know that…food is not always the cause of your GI symptoms? In fact, sometimes it has nothing to do with food and everything to do with your thoughts around the food. Today we are going to explore why this may be through a conversation on the gut brain axis.


I want to thank Marci Evans for her recent workshop that inspired this episode and is the reference for most of what I’ll share in this episode.


The brain is involved in so much aspects of your health. From how the digestive response is impacted by the gut brain axis, to how body image work is brain work, to even how the hypothalamus, the control center of your brain, is the reason your period can shut down if you are undereating and is TRULY fascinating to think about how our brain is involved in so much of what we think and feel and believe on a daily basis and how this may impact our health.


In this episode we dig in to the link of disordered eating and the digestive system and GI symptoms you may be experiencing through understanding the connection of your gut brain axis.


The Summer Reset is a free mini-course created for you to help you realize this fact: you’re already summer body ready. And what this means to you is, instead of constantly trying to change your body every year summer rolls around, you can choose to reset how you view your body. So you can feel comfortable and gain confidence in the body you have right here, right now. The Summer Reset will help you reset your mindset towards food, fitness and body this summer so you can stop waiting and start LIVING NOW. 


Click here to join the waitlist for Digestive Freedom Foundations.


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NWP Episode 279: Food Addiction and The F*ck It Diet with Caroline Dooner

NWP Episode 279: Food Addiction and The F*ck It Diet with Caroline Dooner

How to Give More Attention to Your Emotional Health

How to Give More Attention to Your Emotional Health