

Welcome to Victoria Myers blog! VM is your women’s wellness blog, free of diet culture and body shaming. Think of this as your safe space to pursue period recovery, intuitive eating and wellness without obsession.

NWP Episode 379: 4 Misconceptions About Intuitive Eating Debunked

NWP Episode 379: 4 Misconceptions About Intuitive Eating Debunked

By: Megan Perez, registered dietitian/nutritionist at Nourishing Minds Nutrition

In today’s episode we debunk 4 common misconceptions about intuitive eating so that you can have clarity about what intuitive eating is all about.


Do you have duct tape on your broken relationship with food and your body?


If you do, and if this broken relationship is just getting worse as you try to determine how to fix it…and if you've been stuck at the 'let me try to fix this myself' place for awhile: This is your sign. It's time to ask for help. It's time to receive the support, accountability and momentum you need to heal your relationship with food and your body.


Food & Body Peace Playbook will help you do exactly that.  Food & Body Peace Playbook (FBPP) is our signature 8 week online group coaching program that will help you make peace with food, trust your body again and live wellness without obsession. And what this means to you is by joining our July cohort, you'll feel at ease that you've asked for the help you know you need.

FBPP is open from today until July 24th or until all spots are filled. Click here to get started and reach out on Instagram if you have questions about the program!

NWP Episode 380: The Difference Between the Why to Heal vs. the HOW to Heal with FBPP Student Maria

NWP Episode 380: The Difference Between the Why to Heal vs. the HOW to Heal with FBPP Student Maria

What is estrogen dominance?

What is estrogen dominance?