

Welcome to Victoria Myers blog! VM is your women’s wellness blog, free of diet culture and body shaming. Think of this as your safe space to pursue period recovery, intuitive eating and wellness without obsession.

NWP Episode 191: Your #1 Food Fear: Carbs

NWP Episode 191: Your #1 Food Fear: Carbs

Let’s begin this episode with a reflection on your thoughts and beliefs surrounding carbohydrates (carbs). Have you ever sat down with your journal, and thought about which foods you specifically fear and why? Are there specific foods you limit, restrict or fear consuming? What about food groups? Write down anything you may fear, even if you believe it’s coming from a “good place” like in the name of health you are fearful of (fill in the blank) food.


Did you notice any common themes around what specific foods you’ve written down?


After years of doing this work in a one on one setting and now in online courses, I’ve noticed a theme, almost always, the #1 food fear is carbs. And really in all forms, complex carbohydrates like pasta and bread and potatoes and simple carbohydrates like sugar in the form of fruits and desserts. We believe so deeply that some foods are bad and some foods are good. And right now, in today’s world, the “worst” food for us is CARBS.


Starting in the 1970’s through the 1990’s and early 2000’s, fat was the primary culprit of shame around food. Now that has shifted to a focus on villainizing carbohydrates. By using flawed research and fear mongering techniques, diet culture has made believe that if we avoid carbs at all cost, our fears won’t turn into reality.


We could talk all day about the specific messages that are touted to make us believe carbs are the enemy...but I find if you keep asking yourself why, the fear and belief we have around eating carbs is almost always coming from a desire to lose weight, or to avoid weight gain. So weight is the ultimate root cause of our fear surrounding carbs.


In this episode we discuss: 

  • Why fear of weight gain is not a reason to not eat a particular food

  • Common thread between the diets and “clean eating” programs of today

  • Gray area view of the argument around carbs and sugar

  • Why shaming carbs isn’t good for our health and doesn’t help us eat the amount right for our bodies

  • Why shaming foods, like carbs, causes the last supper mentality and the restrict-binge seesaw

  • The importance of making foods emotionally equivalent to allow for mind body knowledge and the habituation response

  • Coping with the permission stage of intuitive eating

  • Why carbohydrates are amazing and the role they play in the body

  • Questions to reflect and journal on to analyze your relationship around carbs

  • Stay tuned for an extra special bonus episode tomorrow!


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Resources for you:

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Free Workshop on Why Diets Don't Work (And What to Do Instead)

Free Workshop on Why Diets Don't Work (And What to Do Instead)

NWP Episode 190: Respecting the Origin of the Body Positive Movement with Self Love Advocate Candace Molatore

NWP Episode 190: Respecting the Origin of the Body Positive Movement with Self Love Advocate Candace Molatore