Body Image Reset

Body Image reset is here!

Do you have a constant, never-ending desire to want to lose weight or change your body?

Trust me, I get it. I spent most of my life on a quest to lose weight. No matter what the scale said, even when I reached my “goal” weight, it was never enough.

Can you relate?

What I began to realize over time was that the problem wasn’t my weight or body size, it was how I viewed myself. I always felt that I need to take up less space in order to be…loved, worthy, to be enough. So I learned about intuitive eating, and started the journey to re-discover how to eat without dieting.

But the desire to lose weight didn’t go away overnight. Truthfully, it didn’t go away for years. As I embraced intuitive eating, I continued to feel off about my body. I was able to let go of hating my body and instead tolerate it, but most of the time I continued to want to lose weight. I knew there was a better way to live my life, I knew learning how to accept my body, but more importantly myself, was possible…

So I set out on a quest. To figure this out for myself. I spent years of my life exploring every thought pattern, every action I had and creating steps and principles not only for myself to follow, but for my clients as well...and now you!