

Welcome to Victoria Myers blog! VM is your women’s wellness blog, free of diet culture and body shaming. Think of this as your safe space to pursue period recovery, intuitive eating and wellness without obsession.

NWP Episode 306: Stress, Perfectionism and Hypothalamic Amenorrhea

NWP Episode 306: Stress, Perfectionism and Hypothalamic Amenorrhea

If you’ve been listening to the podcast for any length of time, you know that in addition to intuitive eating and body image work, we also specialize in hormone and digestion disorders.


The most common hormone conditions we work with are HA and PCOS. Hypothalamic amenorrhea or HA is extremely common, no matter your body size, when you struggle with orthorexia and disordered eating. This is why we talk so much about it, because there’s a huge gap in the hormone space about HA.


I’d like to talk about aspects of HA today that is less well known or talked about, and that’s the stress connection to HA- and the main culprit of my community’s stress, which is perfectionism. Listen to today’s episode to learn more!


In this episode I reference Get Your Period Back Playbook, our HA recovery program that will help you regain your health and fertility. This program will reopen for enrollment in March you can join the waitlist here.


Resources for you:


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NWP Episode 307: How Fatphobia Negatively Impacts Our Sex Life with Victoria Welsby

NWP Episode 307: How Fatphobia Negatively Impacts Our Sex Life with Victoria Welsby

NWP Episode  305: A 30 Day Abstinence Journey from Perfectionism and Exercise Addiction with Lauren Sheehey

NWP Episode 305: A 30 Day Abstinence Journey from Perfectionism and Exercise Addiction with Lauren Sheehey