

Welcome to Victoria Myers blog! VM is your women’s wellness blog, free of diet culture and body shaming. Think of this as your safe space to pursue period recovery, intuitive eating and wellness without obsession.

NWP Episode 274: What is Thin Privilege?

NWP Episode 274: What is Thin Privilege?

Today’s episode is an important conversation that NEEDS to be in podcast form. I’ve touched on thin privilege on Instagram posts and with guests on the show, but I wanted an entire episode dedicated to the subject.

Here’s what I want you to understand about thin privilege: Your body image struggles are real no matter your size. Your experience and struggles are real and valid. But we have to be willing to look at our privileges in all situations, body image and how this impacts our relationship with food, included.

I used to promote myself as the “body positive dietitian” and I now realize how much of a mistake on wording that was. That was taking a movement that wasn’t created for me. And honestly ignorance on my part thinking me as a size 10 was not accepted. I hope this episode helps you see that your experiences are real and true and you are not alone in not accepting your body. Yet, as with any privilege we hold, it’s not your fault or something you should feel guilty about. It’s about recognizing that there’s some experiences we may never be able to understand.

There are three types of fat phobia, that I’ve learned from Virgie Tovar (click here to listen to her episode on the podcast). A person in a thin body can experience INTRApersonal struggles as we all fear becoming fat in our society that tells us it's the worst thing in the world to happen to our bodies. But a thin body won’t experience interpersonal and institutionalized fat phobia. This helps explain thin privilege in a meaningful way- that yes, your experiences are real, but these are two major areas you likely will never experience or understand if you live in a thin body.

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Resources for you:

NWP Episode 275: Fat Discrimination and Oppression by Diet Culture with Virgie Tovar

NWP Episode 275: Fat Discrimination and Oppression by Diet Culture with Virgie Tovar

NWP Epiose  273: Respecting the Origin of the Body Positive Movement with Self Love Advocate Candace Molatore

NWP Epiose 273: Respecting the Origin of the Body Positive Movement with Self Love Advocate Candace Molatore