

Welcome to Victoria Myers blog! VM is your women’s wellness blog, free of diet culture and body shaming. Think of this as your safe space to pursue period recovery, intuitive eating and wellness without obsession.

NWP Episode 254: Gentle Nutrition Series: Is Sugar Inflammatory?

NWP Episode 254: Gentle Nutrition Series: Is Sugar Inflammatory?

Every round so far that I’ve done with Permission Stage Playbook (our online program that helps you make peace with food and body, enrollment reopening later in the fall, click here to join the waitlist), I get the question around if sugar is truly healthy or not to consume. This question almost always comes up when we are in the module discussing challenging food fears.



If you sit and think about it, I’m positive for you too, sugar is likely one of the most anxiety or fear provoking foods you could possibly consume.



And honestly this makes sense given the way sugar is discussed in the media, with health care professionals and any health blog on the internet these days.


Words like inflammatory, poison and enemy are words I’ve heard used to describe how “bad” sugar is for you.


But if you’re working to become an intuitive eater, you are rejecting diet mentality, making peace with food and challenging the food police, that mean girl inside your head that causes judgement and shame if you allow yourself to enjoy a chocolate chip cookie.


So what do you do? Do you sit and eat all the cookies because now you have permission? Do you allow yourself to have a cookie, but just one since it’s still sugar? Do you still limit sugar because you believe any and all sugar consumption is bad for you?


Let’s explore this in today’s episode in our gentle nutrition series!


Click here to download our free e-book, How to Eat for Hormones.


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Every round so far that I've done with Permission Stage Playbook (our online program that helps you make peace with food and body, enrollment reopening later in the fall, click here to join the waitlist), I get the question around if sugar is truly healthy or not to consume.

NWP Episode 255: Mary Jelkovsky on The Gift of Self Love

NWP Episode 255: Mary Jelkovsky on The Gift of Self Love

What To Do (and Not Do) After a Binge

What To Do (and Not Do) After a Binge