

Welcome to Victoria Myers blog! VM is your women’s wellness blog, free of diet culture and body shaming. Think of this as your safe space to pursue period recovery, intuitive eating and wellness without obsession.

NWP Episode 168: Heather Caplan on How Intuitive Eating Benefits Exercise, Business Owning, and Parenting

NWP Episode 168: Heather Caplan on How Intuitive Eating Benefits Exercise, Business Owning, and Parenting

Oh, the ways intuitive eating benefits your life! It is about the eating, but it also about SO much more. Today on the podcast we have Heather Caplan, fellow non-diet dietitian, to share her journey to intuitive eating and how what she learned from becoming an intuitive eater benefited so many areas of her life. From how she moves her body, to how she runs her business and even how she feeds and parents her child- intuitive eating has positively impacted each of these areas.

In this episode we discuss:

  • Heather’s journey to becoming a non-dietitian, podcast host of the RD Real Talk and founder of WIND.

  • What inspired Heather to found WIND, Weight Inclusive Nutrition and Dietetics.

  • Heather’s journey healing from orthorexia and moving towards intuitive eating and living

  • How this process of becoming an intuitive eater influenced her parenting, how she feeds her child and her advice for helping our children form healthy relationships with food and their bodies.

  • How intuitive eating positively impacts her business owning skills and decision making she does as an entrepreneur.

  • How intuitive eating allowed her to be more fluid and easy-going with her exercise habits.

  • How Heather practices wellness without obsession.


More about Heather Caplan:

Heather Caplan’s work focuses on eating disorder awareness, advocacy, and treatment, and helping dietitians adopt a weight-inclusive, non-diet Intuitive Eating approach to health and nutrition. In 2017, she opened her business, which is a part-time private practice, media, writing, and consulting company. That’s also when she launched her weekly podcast, RD Real Talk, talking with fellow anti-diet weight-inclusive practitioners.

In 2018, Heather founded Weight Inclusive Nutrition and Dietetics (WIND), a continuing education and networking event series for dietitians and healthcare professionals. Heather’s services and work include 1:1 nutrition therapy, group coaching, career supervision and mentorship, and event coordinating.


Learn more:

@RDRealTalk  (IG) 

@heatherdcRD (Twitter)

WIND Webinars:

Online course: (Sports & IE)

Private practice / blog:

Podcast: RD Real Talk 


Thank you to our podcast sponsors today, Primally Pure. Primally Pure products I am currently obsessed with:

  • Hand Sanitizer. Primally Pure’s hand sanitizer is formulated with grape alcohol to meet the CDC guidelines, but is also made with organic ingredients like essential oils and aloe vera to help nourish and moisturize your skin. Plus, all the proceeds for the month of April will be donated to Feeding America and Center for Disaster Philanthropy.

  • Gua Sha Stone. I am participating in the gua sha stone challenge where I’m using it daily for 14 days and will show you the difference! I look forward to using every single morning, and how it softens fine lines, releases tension and brightens skin tone.

  • Please use the code NOURISH for 10% off your first order!


Resources for you:


Let’s hang out! Connect with Victoria and the staff at NMN:

Oh, the ways intuitive eating benefits your life! It is about the eating, but it also about SO much more. Today on the podcast we have Heather Caplan, fellow non-diet dietitian, to share her journey to intuitive eating and how what she learned from becoming an intuitive eater benefited so many areas of her life.

How I've Been Moving My Body During the COVID-19 Pandemic

How I've Been Moving My Body During the COVID-19 Pandemic

NWP Episode 167: The Most Important Intuitive Eating Principle (You May Be Surprised By This!)

NWP Episode 167: The Most Important Intuitive Eating Principle (You May Be Surprised By This!)