

Welcome to Victoria Myers blog! VM is your women’s wellness blog, free of diet culture and body shaming. Think of this as your safe space to pursue period recovery, intuitive eating and wellness without obsession.

NWP 159: Q&A on Eating, Exercise and Anxiety During the COVID-19 Pandemic

NWP 159: Q&A on Eating, Exercise and Anxiety During the COVID-19 Pandemic

I am pausing another week on the content I had planned out to more specifically address what is going on right now with the COVID-10 Pandemic. Many of you have told me that this quick change in routine, the lack of unknown, these out of control times are bringing on a lot of food, exercise and anxiety challenges. I am going to answer questions I received from Instagram to help you with this.

These answers are catered towards the anxious mind and disordered patterns popping up as a way to cope. I do want to acknowledge some listening with actually be experiencing food insecurity because of loss of job, etc and that would of course add to the scarcity mindset around food. If you have been affected by a job loss and are food insecure, please let us know so we can spread the word to support our community.


Questions answered in today’s podcast episode:



I am finding that i”m struggling with taking a “rest day” from working out and getting close to my normal amount of steps. I usually workout 5-6 days in the gym but am now doing at home live workouts and I just don’t want to take a “rest day”. I think partially because i like the group fitness online but also because i’m afraid of losing strength/gaining weight.



How do you deal with exercise addiction in a time like this? I was so active at school, and being more sedentary messes with my head and makes me anxious. It makes me want to restrict, but I’m continuing to eat enough because my body needs to eat! I wanted to ask this because I know I’m not the only one. 



I’d love if you could talk how to challenge the scarcity mindset when there is so much scarcity of food at the stores. Definitely triggering my ED thoughts!



Would love for you to explain on anxiety! Feels like my chest is clenched up so tight and I have trouble concentrating on anything even when watching TV, without feeling anxious.

I also want to send a big thank you to our new Tuesday podcast sponsors, Better Help. Better Help is a professional counseling service platform done through a secure online platform. Better Help is affordable, available worldwide, and you can get started within 24 hours. 


Better Help wants you to start living a better, happier life starting today. If you’ve been thinking about starting counseling but didn’t know where to go (or maybe you feel an increased need for support during these challenging times), I hope you use this as your call to action. Use this link to get 10% your first month.




Resources for you:


Let’s hang out! Connect with Victoria and the staff at NMN:

I am pausing another week on the content I had planned out to more specifically address what is going on right now with the COVID-10 Pandemic. Many of you have told me that this quick change in routine, the lack of unknown, these out of control times are bringing on a lot of food, exercise and anxiety challenges.

NWP Episode 160: Treating Eczema with Sleep and Stress Management (Not Food Elimination) with Christa Biegler RD/N

NWP Episode 160: Treating Eczema with Sleep and Stress Management (Not Food Elimination) with Christa Biegler RD/N

NWP Episode 158: The Power of Healing Trauma Through Breathwork and Meditation with Victoria Albina NP, MPH

NWP Episode 158: The Power of Healing Trauma Through Breathwork and Meditation with Victoria Albina NP, MPH